Make Group Policy Preferences GUID again Group Policy Preferences (GPP) has been around for a considerable amount of time, yet I still keep finding remmants of GPP passwords lying around within an Active Directory (AD) forests. For more background
PowerShell Empire Using Empire with a Reverse Proxy Here is an example of how I use Empire, in this example I won't be running through setting up HTTPS but will only document the HTTP approach. I am using Ubuntu 16.04
PowerShell Enumerating AD with ADSI Searcher At times during engagements you can find yourself in a situation that sees you without a lovely set of tools that can quickly enumerate the domain for you. Utilising PowerShell with ADSI searcher
Kali SQLi, Privilage Escalation, and PowerShell Empire Intro and Tools I have built a small lab to demonstrate some very basic SQL injection (SQLi) and how to utilise PowerShell Empire for privilege escalation. The demonstration starts as an unauthenticated user
Kali Setting up Kali as a VM Preamble This article assumes you have some knowledge of virtual machines and have VMware Workstation installed. Visit and download the latest 64-bit ISO image as you will need
PowerShell Remoting Workgroup PowerShell Remoting Introduction If you haven't yet read my blog post on enabling PowerShell Remoting I would give that a read over first, this will give you some further background information into PowerShell Remoting. I
PowerShell Remoting Enabling PowerShell Remoting Background Many people I work with will tell you how much I love PowerShell, I have been working with PowerShell since version 1 and it has become a key asset to my daily